My mother was a eternal optimist. When she looked out her window at the yard filled with snow birds savaging in the snow for food she would say I can see the trees "feathering", spring is almost here. She never complained of the weather regarding winter as a time for the earth to rest. Such a wise woman. Not me. I grow unceasingly impatient for spring.
Mom always waited in anticipation for the Henry Fields Seed Catalog to arrive for when it did it signaled that Spring would soon follow. My Henry Fields Seed catalog arrived two weeks ago and it hasn't quit snowing since!!!
I forgot what green grass looked and smelt like! I tell my grandsons and Godsons that soon we will build a camp fire again and roast those heavenly marshmallows they love so much. It's beginning to sound like a fairy tale, it's been so long. So did you know that in 1976 on this very day February 16th it was 76 degrees? 76 degrees!The 5 AM weather report said tomorrow may reach into the middle 40's! What a heat wave!
Here I sit with my cup of coffee pouring over my seed catalog trying to remember what my garden looked like last year. I planted my whole flower and vegetable garden not in a special garden on the side or back yard but instead I planted tomatoes and roses side by side along my sidewalk, I think big juicy red tomatoes bursting with flavor look beautiful right next to a red or yellow azalea! Yes I had a few family members laugh at me but the majority of my visitors thought my flower/vegetable garden was wonderful. When I was having a dinner party someone would just walked out on the sidewalk and pick fresh bell peppers, firm crisp cucumbers,jumbo red tomatoes and sidewalk stealing squash! Everything for a complete salad, and you never had to leave the sidewalk.
Another advantage of a sidewalk garden was it allowed you to keep an eye out for uninvited guest like rabbits and turtles. A rabbit can eat your vegetables clear down to the roots.
Nothing can compare to the satisfaction of sipping morning coffee on your front porch and watch your garden labor bloom into a wonderful array of colors and bounty!
So get those seed catalogs out and start planning yourself a little niche in your yard, whether you till up the ground or just use some good size planting pots, you too can grow a sidewalk garden! It doesn't take much to reap such big rewards, not to mention you will be feeding your family home grown veggies without chemicals!
Now don't let the heavy snow fool you.....I can see the tree's feathering from my kitchen window! Happy Gardening everyone!!! Aunt Onie