Good morning fellow bloggers! This is it, the spring day in the year we all dread....April 1 (April Fools Day) This special day where everyone tries to fool everyone else by either scaring the tar out of them or surprising them with something so wonderful it can't be true and usually isn't. I think I hate those the worse. Let me explain where this special day originated from. You see April Fools' Day is observed throughout the Western world. Practices include sending someone on a "fool's errand," looking for things that don't exist; playing pranks; and trying to get people to believe ridiculous things, but no one really knows where it originated from. Some say it started when we switched the start of the new calendar year from April 1 to January 1. Others believe it was a way to celebrate the new spring season after a long cold winter. Either way when spring comes all God's creatures act a little "foolish". I call it "Twitter Love".
April 1st is also a wonderful day to be born on. Those born on April Fools Day are carefree, light hearted and good natured. Our next door neighbor growing up was Lloyd Kelly. A carefree boy trapped inside a full gown mans body. Lloyd could jump a fence like a gazelle and could let out the most wild animal yell when playing sports. He was a free spirit and his enthusiasm was contagious!
My dear daughter in-law Emily was also born on this crazy day. She is grade school teacher that is very outgoing and has a wonderful sense of humor. Being around her is like always being at a party. She's that much fun! I know her students adore her. Happy Birthday EM!!!
So get out and have fun today but don't buy anything anyone tells you, it just might be the biggest prank of all! So if the "Clearing House van drives up and announces you are the grand prize winner make sure you see the check is real and not from Elmer Fuds Bank, before you go jumping down the street like a "fool". Happy Birthday Em....Happy Birthday Lloyd......Happy April Fools Day everybody!!!! Aunt Onie