Chris, Jeremy and Adam, Laquey School Library
The pumpkin is still on the front porch and the bowl on the table is full of candy. Halloween is just two days away. But look out the day after Tricks or Treats. Each November 1st you can hear women everywhere take in a moment of silence. The silence before the storm. The storm will include dare devil shopping for just the right turkey, eyeing up the bird to see if he will feed everyone you expect and those who may show up unexpected. The holidays are fast approaching and excitement is in the air.
I even heard there was a shortage of pumpkins. That alone will cause people to lose all common sense and become obsessed in laying in supplies. I don't even relish the thought and sounds of shopping carts weaving carelessly in and out of narrow isles, pitting myself against other "shoppers" as we try to fill our list.
My older sister Patti swears by her "organic" turkey she buys every year at double the price of a regular store bought turkey. She buys from a local organic farmer that free ranges his birds with no pesticides and preservatives. This past week she got the chance to visit this farm and now will always buy from them. You can check them out at the web site below. The farm is in Conway. You'll need to get your order in soon since these turkeys are still on the hoof.
In the coming weeks I will start posting easy and simple ways you can entertain friends and family without breaking the bank. November and December are the months to have parties big and small, gathering friends and family together to share a simple meal or an all out Ozark feast. I'll show you how to make festive napkins rings out of foil and my secrets to a smooth and tender homemade pie crust.
Entertaining should be fun and the expressions on your guest faces should show you that all your efforts were worth it. So take it easy these next two days. Put your feet up, eat a little candy laugh with the kids.....then brace yourself for the onslaught of the HOLIDAYS. Together we can make it the most fun filled, joyous time they are supposed to be. May our families come together and truly give thanks for our great nation. A nation that is under attack from all sides and needs it's people to regain the respect and dignity she once had. We need to pray for our leaders and our armed forces as they defend and protect her in these troubling times. In our day to day struggles with the economy we often forget we are at war.
So till next time keep your family close and your soup hot. Aunt Onie
Here is my mother in-law' Lillian's favorite Salisbury steak recipe. This recipe is so good that you'll fix it often! Perfect for a cold winters meal.
Salisbury Steak
Take a pound of hamburger (chuck or round if you can afford it) and dice a whole onion into it. Add some bread crumbs or dry a few slices of bread the day before and one egg. Add salt and pepper and season salt. Pat into patties or balls which ever you prefer and brown well on each side in a large skillet. Once browned on both sides drain off any fat and return to heat. Add one can of mushroom soup and one can of can milk (carnation) and simmer over low to medium heat till bubbly. Stir often so not to stick and cover for fifteen or twenty minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes and a green vegetable for a well rounded and nourishing meal. Now that's eating!
Organic Farm in Conway:
Bechards Farms