Criticism, judgement, and rudeness can slide off our tongues so easily. Why is it that a few words of praise, compliments and politeness become so hard for some of us to give toward others. Some habits are hard to break but for those who succeed in life can abstain that praise, compliments and politeness opened more doors in their professional and private relationships then going the easier route. With the right use of words you hold the power to make someones day wonderful and full of confidence or the beginning of a terrible day full of self doubt and pain. If you lack faith in what I'm saying do your own little test. Tell your husband he's a good man and an excellent father. Comment (positively) about something you saw him do yesterday or last week. Watch his face for a reaction. Tell a parent that their parenting skills are really paying off in the way their children play with others. Not only will they feel good but they are more apt to focus more on how they teach their children social skills. Tell a coworker that you admire their work ethics. Positive social skills produce positive reactions. This may feel uncomfortable and awkward for you at first but believe me in time it will come to you as easily as breathing. It's a win win situation, where everyone around you reaps the benefits. So give a lift to someones life and you just may be giving one back to yourself. Momma always said, "If you can't say something nice about somebody, don't say nothing at all."
In this day and age of computers, texting and email, we are losing our "people" skills. Our relationships are managed with a touch of a button. No wonder we are losing our social skills.
Begin this day with at least one compliment to a friend, co worker, child, parent or spouse. It's the little things you can do that add up to big rewards down the road.
Today, my family will be getting together to celebrate my daughter in-laws Birthday. She has requested my pork chops and brown gravy dinner. She never ask for much and is very easy to please. She's a wonderful daughter and has given us our wonderful grandson Noah,who has become (along with his cousin Cannon Joe) the center of Larry and my life. Now to top it all off she and my son Jeremy have given us more wonderful news....another grand baby will be sitting at our table in May! What a wonderful event to look forward to. Dare I dream it may be a girl!?? What ever God grants us we will be so grateful. So here's to your Monday. May you start it off right by showering a compliment or praise on someone. Any may someone compliment you. For those who are interested here is my Birthday Pork Chop Dinner recipe.
Happy Birthday Paige!!!!
Aunt Onie
Smothered Pork Chop Dinner
Start with a 1/4 cup cooking oil or olive oil, peel and chop one whole onion and saute in oil till nice and tender. These precious dripping will later become the base of your brown gravy. Lightly flour 4 to 6 center cut pork chops. Add salt and pepper. Brown chops at least 5 to 8 minutes on each side till nice and brown. When finished take chops up and place on a platter. Now the hard part begins. I watched my Mother for years till I finally got this right. You may have to drain a little of your excess oil off. You only want enough to be able to add your flour to make a skillet full of gravy. It should take about 2 tablespoons of flour to your remaining oil drippings. This is where all your flavor will be. Take a wooden spoon and stir the flour into the drippings till nice and smooth. Stir this over medium heat till it becomes light brown. This is the trick. If you add your water too soon you won't have rich brown gravy, so keep stirring till all the onions and meat drippings turn into a rich brown color. Add salt and pepper. You will be adding water not milk to make your gravy. Pork gravy takes water, chicken gravy takes milk. When it becomes the right color pour a cup of warm water into the mixture and stir. The gravy will thicken immediately and will require constant stirring to avoid any lumps. Extra warm water may be required if gravy becomes too thick. Now return to a low setting and place chops in gravy making sure all chops are covered in gravy. Cover with a lid on low heat for another 30 to 40 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes for a wholesome dinner everyone should love. The pork chops should be tender and full of flavor. Enjoy..... Aunt Onie
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