A son is a son, till he takes a wife, a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life. I think that's the way the saying goes, just not in my family. You see, I still get to keep my boys but now I have gained two wonderful daughters, Emily and Paige.
This is Emily's story of how she came to be a part of this crazy and loving family.
Emily began dating Adam in the summer of 2001. Dusting my sons dresser off one morning I saw a small picture of a dark haired girl with a pretty smile. "Who is she?", I asked my son. "Just a friend", he replied. It wasn't long after that I knew she had become much more then that. This dark haired beauty had captured my son's heart. He kept her to himself for several months then one day he asked his father and I if we would like to meet her. Shoot yeah I did! So I arranged for Adam and Emily to meet us at a local restaurant for Sunday dinner. She was so sweet and scared to death. As we made small talk and I asked her about her self and her family she barely ate a thing off her plate. I learned she was a college student from School of The Ozarks and was there on a music scholarship. Adam told us she could really sing and had even sang for the Governor.
They continued a long distance courtship as she continued her studies at the college in Branson and Adam took his first teaching post as a junior high science teacher and basketball coach at a local public school. It was difficult for both of them seeing each other only on weekends but they made it work. I can't tell you how many times I worried when she started back to campus on a Sunday night. I couldn't wait for her to graduate and be finished with that long commute.
I remember one Valentines day that my practical joker son called Em up and told her the sad news that he couldn't be with her on Valentines day due to a Basketball tournament. All her college friends tried to cheer her up but nothing worked as she sat in her dorm missing her guy on the most romantic night of the year. Around 9 PM her cell phone rang and it was Adam once again apologizing for not being there with her on Valentines day. "It's okay", she told him as tears streamed down her face. Adam promised her they would be together next year and told her to go to the window, look at the stars and think of him. As she moved to the window all her friends followed close behind. There below her dorm window Adam stood with a smile and a dozen red roses. Her friends all gushed as Em screamed and flew down the stairs and into his arms. Now that's romance.
They were married on July 10th, 2004 in her small little country church. Em put together a DVD of Adam and her life from birth to courtship and set it to a Dolly Parton song. Their wasn't a dry eye in the whole church when it was done. She included everyone from both families and even lit candles for my father and her grandfather who had passed away so all our loved ones could be present to see this young couple pledge their lives to each other. Tragedy almost struck though when they drove away in my sons opened jeep. Her mother had come up to the jeep and kissed her goodbye and gently tucked her long wedding dress down around her ankles and strapped her in. Thank heavens she did because as soon as they hit the turn off to the highway Em realized her wedding gown had become caught on the back tire and began to pull her out! Terrified she let out a scream and Adam pulled to a sudden stop just in time. Em's beautiful dress had real life tire tracks all down the back! Her dress is kept just like that, a remembrance and a story to be told again and again!
I feel very lucky to have both my daughters added to this family. They each bring their own personalities, values and charms. God saw fit to give me two wonderful boys and as an added bonus I received two daughters. Not bad for only giving birth twice. I am so truly blessed to have my family and friends.
So, on this Thanksgiving day I won't find myself alone in the kitchen but will have my two wonderful daughters in there with me, talking, laughing and just plain enjoying being together. Both Emily and Paige feel comfortable and loved at my house and this means a great deal to me. After all, this is their home........From my home to yours, may you have a truly wonderful Thanksgiving....Aunt Onie
Aunt Onie's Never Fail Pie Crust
I was given this recipe by my sister in-law a long, long time ago and it's just that....never fails
In large mixing bowl mix
2 cups of flour
1 cup of shortening
1/2 cup cold water
Mix by wooden spoon quickly till dough forms a round ball. This only takes a few minutes. Always remember the less the handling of the dough the tenderer the crust will be. Roll out on floured counter and line pie pan with crust. Trim off excess dough and pinch with thumb and finger to form the crust. Fill with pie filling and bake till golden brown. My sister Patti puts a few drops of milk on her crust and sprinkles sugar over whole pie. She swears this makes her pies golden brown.
I am sitting here reading your blog crying, with students in the room. I am so humbled and glad to be a part of the family. Love you!!! Em
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you liked it. Love you back.
ReplyDeleteHow did Adam get such a good girl? She looks to good for him.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Mr.or Mrs. Anonymous I am too good for him. Some people just get lucky I guess. :) HA
ReplyDeleteOk, please spell the word "too" correctly Mr. Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteWow Adam, looks like your the target now. Whoever this person is needs to find another place to blog. Mom, nice story, I bet the girls feel really good now, your a good mother-in-law I don't care what anybody says.
ReplyDeleteI know I've never said different :)
ReplyDeleteWow, not alot of educating going on in our nearby public schools. At least there are some JH students in Laclede County who are taking advantage of some instructional time.