This photo was taken at Silver Dollar City shortly after our mother passed away. Can you spot the female ghost right above my head. I never saw her till I was posting this picture.

My sister Bev, Mom and I in front of our old house on Y Hwy

Taken out in front of our favorite Flea Market in Laquey

My sister Bev lending a hand with our new driveway
They say write what you know and coming from a family of five girls and two boys, boy do I know a lot about sisters! I've put this post on hold for quite awhile now, knowing fully it would take a lot of thought in putting it together. You see my sisters mean a lot to me. The relationship between sisters is a very complicated one, especially my sisters. My sisters are my best friends. They know everything about each other, good and bad. They know how you work. They know where to hit you too....how to push all your buttons. It's because they know what is near and dear to you.
You can try to fool other people but never try to fool your sisters. They know you too well. A sister will tell you like it is and they have the right to. If you ask one if they like your new hair cut brace yourself because your going to hear the truth. It's not meant to hurt you it's a honest opinion meant to inform you if you goofed. I value my sisters opinions. If you have gained a little weight or neglected your self a sister will gladly point it out to you. It's their job. You may not agree with them at first but when you get a little time to yourself you will reflect on their comments and take a better look at yourself.
My sisters have always been there for me, in good times, bad times and trying times....they have been there. We have raised our children together and all our kids think the world of their aunts. My oldest son Adam once gave all of us the most wonderful compliment. He once told me that he thought we sisters were the strongest women he had ever known. What a wonderful statement. For I believe women need to be strong. I can't understand a weak woman! God gave us a mind to think with and the courage to take care of our families. All my sisters are wonderful mothers. At about roughly 3 years apart it's nice to talk to all my sisters for advice because you will get so many different takes on the situation at hand because we are all at different times in our lives.
My oldest sister Sharon had seen it all. Young marriage, five children, tons of grandchildren, and she still faces each day with anticipation and the spirit for new adventures. Just ask her about her chickens!
My sister Bev was the peacemaker growing up and hated fighting with anyone. She carried this approach to life into adulthood. About within the last five years she has finally realized her own potential and began her own highly successful business. Her confidence continues to grow daily and we are all very proud of her accomplishments.
My older sister Patti is the life of the party. Her positive personality attracts friends wherever she goes. Growing up she was always in a freshly ironed dress while I barely had any clothes on at all. She was all girl and I was all tom boy. I think she was ironing at four. She was neat as a pin then and she's as neat as a pin now. At her house everything has a place and everything is in it's place. I hate that about her!
I am the middle sister. It's a nice place to be. One year I will feel really close to one certain sister and another year I will identify myself with a different sister. Those are the benefits of having so many.
All in all since my mother passed away 3 1/2 years ago all of us sisters have gone in unique directions. Some have embarked on new careers, new spiritual paths and passages.
As for me I have discovered that taking a combination of simple pleasures and slowing down has a lot to offer. My dreams and goals are still there but I'm not waiting to start living. I'm living each day, each moment, finding pleasure in everyday simple things now. One vow I have made to myself is to do more fishing this year. I can not even put into words the absolute thrill of seeing my bobber go under the water!!! Not to mention my love of cooking out doors over a open fire pit.
Getting back to my sisters I would like to say that we never fought but that would be an out and out lie. I can't ever remember not fighting with my baby sister Deb. We have always fought, mostly because we are so much a like in nature and personality. We are both family driven. We would do anything for family. We are both strong willed so naturally we butted heads since Mom introduced us. Along with this we completely understand each other even though she once said I never "got her". Growing up I tried to boss her around but she always stood her ground but at the same time if in trouble she always knew I would be there. That's what sisters do. We will always be there for each other. A voice in the night telling you that everything will be okay.
We lost our father to cancer when we were very young and our dear mother became our firm foundation that we could always lean on. She taught us how to laugh at our own flaws and to find the courage to try new paths. She taught us what family was and the power and faith of a true mother. If more mothers could be a little like her. She invoked all that a mother should be. Nurturing, loving and steady. We could always depend on her. She made you happy you were born a woman. She was a wonderful guide through this life and when we lost her we thought we would surely die too. But her strength lives on in us and we have go on. We nurture our children and our grandchildren. We take time to enjoy our husbands and we make time to get together. Uncontrolled laughter rings through our homes whenever we are together. We are sisters. Such a relationship can't be put in mere words. We will be there for each other the rest of our lives and never be afraid to say " What have you done to your hair?" If you are lucky to have a sister or five like mine, take time to enjoy them, laugh with them for surly they are one of your world treasures! Aunt Onie
Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except you left at how proud they are of you and your wonderful wit and wisdom of you pen.
ReplyDeleteHey, I got an idea...write about your first car. Can't remember the year, '51 or something like that. We had some fun times in that car, Candy, Maureen, you and I singing at the top of our lungs "Jeremiah was a bullfrog..." at the Ramada Light