Saturday, September 26, 2009
Making your house a home
In this day and age with all the stress, worry and fear it's no wonder US family life has suffered so greatly. Statistics show that the family unit has broken down and in some cases doesn't work at all. The days that parents relied on their parents to show them how to raise a family are over. People seem out of touch with their family, too busy, too over worked or just too tired to even try. Some don't even have the bare essentials of coping techniques that our grandparents invented. So that is why I started this blog... in hopes of shedding the tiniest bit of light of what it could mean to improve you family's life. Raising two son's myself with my husband, I felt I was just getting good at parenting when they finished college and started their careers and their own family. Looking at them now I feel my husband and I must have done something right. I have always had a kitchen full of children, family and friends and yes I got them there with food. Good, hot comfort food (the kind you can smell down the street kind of food). I've also been known to keep my recipes a secret much to the anger of many of my sisters. Keeping your cooking secrets to yourself can achieve two things. One they have to keep coming back to your house to get more and two people always want what they can't have, so my recipes are always kept in high honor. I was raised by our mother when our father passed away at 49 and she raised us all with pride, respect and humor. Humor was what got us through many a rough spot. Humor will serve your family well if you keep it in your home. We are all human, flaws and all and as parents we make mistakes. But if we love our children and put their needs before our own, laugh with them, talk with them and share meals with them they will never disappoint us. Your time spent with your children will be the most rewarding investment you will ever make. A child needs smeone who will listen, really listen to them. So this is the official kick off to my blog. I hope in the coming pages I can give you a little insight to set the atmosphere for your family to enjoy the small and simple things you can do to make a house a home. I will be sharing my well kept secrets to cooking, laundry, house cleaning, romantic dinners, and special night family fun. My next blog will be about talking to your teenagers, when to talk and when to shut up and listen. Till then may your home be filled with laughter, good smells and family......Aunt Onie
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