Pat and Audie Married March 17, 1994 (15 Years) Beverly and Robert Married May 1975 (34 years)
Aunt Onie and Larry Married April 18, 1974 (35 years)
Marriage is a sacred commitment. You pledge to one another in the sight of God and all your family and friends that you will honor this person as your mate. You will be there thorough both your trails and lean on each other no matter what comes. Good or bad you will not fail each other. No where in the vows does it say you can never make mistakes because we all do. Try as we might we lose sight of what is important. Our own wants and needs sometimes get in the way of putting our spouse first. Too many times we feel like our spouse just isn't the person we married so many years ago and their not. We are constantly changing and growing. The trick is to do it together. I have met couples married over 50 years that say they have never spent a night a part. As for me a brief break from one another makes us closer and appreciate each other more. We are not supposed to grow in any ones shadow but to work toward a solid marriage where both can grow and flourish. Marriage is not an easy commitment to hold and honor but the longer you are married the stronger that commitment grows and respect is one thing that age and time teaches us. Couples who hold their marriages together and honor their union should be respected for it. My mother and father were married just 25 years but their marriage lasted a life time. This is a passage my mother wrote and I would like to share it with you. She was a very wise and wonderful woman.
By Velma Hart Hable
I am beholding to no man except our father who art in heaven.
My thoughts are my own and I shall strive to keep them so.
My whims are as the wind untamed, uncommitted and unpredictable.
Many problems can be settled over the kitchen table with a kiss and a cup of coffee.
The art of loving is turning a peach into pear.
Tamed physically is certainly an allowed feature.
Tamed mentally is something an individual should never allow.
We are born into this world without asking.
We must learn to live with ourselves before asking someone to live with us.
No man can live and die under one name without involving the world.
If we are so perfect, how in the world can we love someone beneath us.
So here's to your marriage, may it grow daily and bring you both contentment, security and above all else love. Aunt Onie
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