Seems like everyone is busy expanding their family or just starting one. Babies quite simply are everywhere! And just like in years gone by the mommies and mommies to be get all the attention. That's where the similarities stop. There is a change a brewing that has never been seen, at least not in this country. It's the Dad's role that has began to change drastically. Dads now have become the second and sometimes the first caregiver.
My dear Larry has never changed a diaper in his life. Don't get me wrong, I tried to get him to because everyone knows that changing a dirty diaper is a sure way to bond with your baby! Let's just say he came close to changing one once but didn't quite make it, leaving him with a few nightmares later. Not so with Dads now a days. My two sons often amaze me when left alone with their sons they easily become so efficient when caring for them. They don't give a second thought to grabbing a clean diaper and changing their sons while they talk with me. I sat there and watched them as they both easily maneuvered the babies legs, doing a great job or cleaning the baby up and putting the new diaper on. And they did it in record time too. Yes, times sure have changed.
Not only are the new Dads great at changing diapers they are capable of cleaning the house and doing the laundry and still have total command of the Barbecue grill. Amazing! My son Jeremy can do it all. When called upon he can shop, cook dinner and still have time to play with his son Noah all after working a full day! When I was growing up men never went near a dirty diaper and the only time you talked to them was when you were in trouble.
Now a days Moms and Dads work together in caring for their children which should make a good impact on future generations, only time will tell. As for my son Adam his job as a Basketball coach and teacher has him very busy during Basketball season and he tries to make up for his absence with story time before bed. Instead of hitting the couch he takes over the care giving as soon as he hits the door. All this makes his son Cannon feel loved and cherished by his father. In this everyone wins. When I say everyone wins, I mean everyone. The mother wins because she feels she is not alone in the raising of their child. The child wins because he has a loving and nurturing mother and father. The father wins because he becomes a part of the child's daily life and society wins because this child will become one of it's cornerstones.
I think we have great things to look forward to with this new and improved Dad, don't you? So next time you are visiting a new family, make sure you include the Dad in your praise of the child's achievements and goals, odds are "Dad" had a lot to do with it too.
With Christmas just a few days away I would like to wish you and "your" family a very Merry and Blessed Christmas. May you gather your family together with wonderful meals and good times. I'd like to announce we have just added another member to our ever growing family.....My niece Mel and her husband Dan just had a baby on the 14th of December, a little boy named Daniel, a whopping 5lbs 13 Oz's. Man, does he need some of Aunt Onies cooking! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!
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