Is there really such a thing as an ugly Christmas Tree? Whether the tree is real pine, cedar or fir or a lush expensive artificial 10 footer or a little white or sliver aluminum tree, every Christmas tree is beautiful because it embodies the true meaning of Christmas. It's a way we begin the celebration of the birth of our Savior which is Christ the Lord.
As I sit here looking at my Christmas shopping list I realize just how many times the real meaning of Christmas has reached down from heaven and touched my life.
First let me tell you what Christmas was like as a small child in a big family. When it came to Christmas our father was the biggest kid in the bunch. Each Christmas eve he would tell all that we would have to wait till Christmas morning to open our presents. And every Christmas Eve we went off to bed grumbling how could we sleep not knowing what we had under the tree. When we did finally drift off to sleep my poor father couldn't stand it any more and around midnight he would drag us all out of a deep sleep to "open presents!" I can still smell that wonderful smell of my new doll as I drifted back off to sleep around 2 AM! My father who could hardly afford to feed us somehow found the funds to give all of us kids a great Christmas. The joy on our faces was all he ever wanted. There was never a doubt in my mind about how much he loved us.
I was born 10 days before Christmas and I always liked to hear Momma tell the story about the cold winter Christmas when Momma and Dad brought me home from the hospital. Momma always called me her "Christmas Baby".
As I grew up I cherished my memories of Christmas with my father and all the love he had for the season of giving. I carried it with me when I became the parent. Like my parents before me, Larry and I struggled to make ends meet when Adam and Jer were young. When Jer was just 2 months old Larry was working the midnight shift at a local hospital. I had already read Adam the "Night Before Christmas" and he was all snuggled down in his covers. "Go to sleep" I whispered. "Santa's coming tonight." He was all excited and happy. As for me I had no idea how Christmas was coming since our bills had taken all the money Larry brought home. Tucking little Jer into his bassinet I walked down the hall of our mobile home. I can still see the cheery little kitchen curtains as I parted them and looked out at the clear cold starry night. "Santa", I whispered. "Are you out there????" I offered up a small prayer thinking God for everything he had provided for us. A new baby, a steady job and a warm, little house. Just then the back door opened and I jumped at the sound. Could it be??? Larry stood in the hallway with both big arms full! "What is all this?" I asked him. Helping him unload his arms I gasped at all he had. There was a stuffed toy for Jer and candy and toys for Adam. There was tins of homemade fudge and cookies. There was socks for Larry and even a huge bag of potatoes with a ten dollar bill stuck inside the bag. Larry said there was even a turkey still in the car! He explained that all the cooks at the hospital got together and baked and bought presents with their own money for Larry and his little family. These wonderful ladies had brought Christmas to our house. I wonder to this day if they ever knew how much their sacrifices meant to us. Santa did come! He came to us in the form of seven hard working women who took the time to make a difference in some one's life.
Many Christmases have past since those hard times but I will never forget just how rich we were that night. It always reminds me how God is always watching over us and how holy his love for us really is.
This is the season to let God work through you. The simple and small things you can do for someone can make a mountain size difference in some one's life. So this Christmas give of yourself and you will get the biggest present in return. The gift of giving. There is a Santa, and he lives in all of us!!!! Merry Christmas everyone.....Be safe this Christmas season, and may your home be cheerful and may your family be blessed. Aunt Onie
I would really like to know who those women were, could you find that out? Are they still alive? Maybe you and dad should stay really late on Christmas Eve and we should open presents around midnight in memory of your Christmas's with grandma and grandpa.
ReplyDeleteThat picture cracks me up. It looks like my little Cannon sitting there. EM
ReplyDeleteLike Cannon pooping his britches. Neat story mom, I had never heard that one. I do remember Christmas in the trailor though.
ReplyDeleteI believe the best way to pay someone back for the kindness they have shone you is to pay it forward. Do something for someone else who is in need. In these times you don't have to look far to see someone who could use a little help.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's not always material things they need. There are a lot of lonely people out there who could just use someone to talk to and be with. Young and old everyone has needs. A father or mother may be praying right now and you can help be the answer to their prayers.
The picture above is Adam with a Minnesota Santa.